Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What do you do on Wednesdays????

Wednesday for me is the day that I don't what to cook, I am wondering what to do with the kids this weekend, trying to remember what time is ballet again...and a whole lot of other WHATS.... It's a day of wondering for me. It's almost like my mind goes blank on this day.I know I have so much do. But by the time it rolls around, but I get lost in it all. What do I do first??


Diva Ma @ Mommy Fabulous said...

At least this only happens to you on Wednesday. I NEVER know which direction to go in or what comes next.

Suzanne said...

Now that I think about it, Wed. are like that for me, too. And Thursdays...and Fridays:-) I see you have a ballet dancer. Me 14 year old. Is she serious?